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Peter LaFrance

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

A taste of… Magic Hat Hocus pocus 2008

Magic Hat Brewing Company

South Burlington,




This is another one of the brews that the good folks at Magic Hat sent to me about a month ago. As it is soon to hit 100F in a few hours I thought it proper to taste this brew at this particular time.

That said, I offer the following tasting notes…


(The bottle was sweating more than me after half an hour out of the refrigerator…) This is a pale amber yellow, rather well-carbonated brew. The head is almost snow white and as rocky and lacy as could be hoped for.

The brilliant light amber color is pleasing to look at and foretells of a refreshing moment. The snow white rocky head foretells a malty for note.


The first impression is ephemeral and only hints at a vegetal sensation. The second visit introduced hints of citric tones. The third impression added more grassy accents.

Mouth feel:

The light body matches the color of the brew and satisfies that anticipation.


This brew follows a flavor profile similar to almost all of the “summer seasonal” brews I have tasted this year. Between lip and sip there is no suggestion as to neither the sweetness nor the bitterness of this beer. The hops are not major flavor players and seemed to be a blend of more types of hops that have been found in US beers in the past. I am assuming that this is due to the shortage in hops. The malt flavor is lightly roasted if at all and there seems to be a more pronounced house yeast presence in the flavor.


There is a brief tussle between the grain and hop that ends in a draw. What lingers is more a request for MORE than a contemplative pause.


Guess what? This is a wheat beer…

As with almost all the “summer seasonal” brews I have tried, I believe this is a fine session brew to be enjoyed with gusto and a bit chilled. If there was ever a brew perfect for adding to the enjoyment of grilled food this is the one. Crank up the grill and even your “veggie” friends will be able to enjoy this brew… unless they don’t like beer.

The brewery Site: http://www.magichat.net/

What others say…



Beer Advocate:


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