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Peter LaFrance

Thursday, February 12, 2009

A taste of… Yardy Lager Beer

Big City Brewing Co.
7 Pechon Street
Kingston, Jamaica

Preface: As it is another fine spring-like morning here in Brooklyn, NY, USA, I will crack open a cool Caribbean brew and get this tasting started. This beer retails for $1.84(US).

The following are my tasting notes:

Appearance: This slightly hazy orange/yellow/gold lightly carbonated brew is topped with a thin head of medium bubbles. There is no Belgian Lace and the head fell faster than consumer confidence here in the United States.
Aroma: First impressions leave a candy sweet aroma followed by a touch of caramel. Lip-to-sip adds little to the aroma profile.

Mouth feel: If fashion models can never be too thin this is a beer for them.

Flavor: After the initial refreshing chill of the liquid, the first, second and last impression is of flavored water minus any carbonation.

Finish: Elvis left the building at “Mouth Feel.”

Comments: From the above illustration you can see this brew is packaged in a clear bottle. What you cannot see is the “twist-off” cap. I will blame the choice of clear glass and the lazy seal of the cap for the less than standard flavor profile of this beer. Perhaps a bit of ganja would help?

During the next few weeks I will try another sample of this brew to see if this was simply a bad bottle.

The Brewery: http://www.bigcitybrewing.com/index1.html

What others say:

BeerAdvocate: http://beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/9827/25890

RateBeer: http://www.ratebeer.com/beer/yardy-lager-beer/52182/3677/

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