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Peter LaFrance

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

A taste of… Gulden Draak

Brouwerij Van Steenberge N.V.
Lindenlaan 25
Ertvelde 9940

Preface: This sample, sent by the good folks at Global Beer Company, has been living in my refrigerator for at least three months. Well kept, I am interested to see how the long big chill affected this 10.5% ABV brew. Without promotional material I again sail into uncharted waters…

Appearance: This is a very lively brew when opened at 50F. It took two stages to pour this pint. This is a deep brown amber, incredibly effervescent brew topped with a sandy brown head of glistening large, larger and tiny bubbles that hold together until they recede down the sides of the glass leaving a fine lace.

Aroma: Initially there is a deep roasted malt, almost caramel aroma, followed by oak accents and crystal sugar candy touches. Finally the lip-to-sip anticipation is sharpened by an alcohol warmth that starts before the brew is in the mouth.
Flavor: This is a stereotypical example of Belgian triple style ale. It resembles sherry wine in flavor but is carbonated rather than still. All of the tawny sherry notes are there with some oak accents.

Mouth feel: There is a big feel to this brew. (Again, at 10.5% ABV this is no surprise.)
Finish: A stereotypical vinous finish leaves no surprises.
Comments: There were no surprises here! This brew poured, had the proper-to-style aroma and flavor. All of this, after possibly more than six months in a refrigerator. Then again, it might have been improved.

The Brewery: http://www.vansteenberge.com/

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